Friday, October 1, 2010

Day 17 (30/09, Thurs)

Weilin and I woke up early to get ourselves breakfast at the back alley.
Kind Joanna has always been helping us buy the Soya Bean Milk and we have decided to get it ourselves today! Our breakfast was really cheap and costs RMB2 or SGD0.40 each!
Our Breakfast:
the 包shop

the Soya Bean Milk shop. YUM YUM!

Mushroom Vegetable Bun w/o Mushroom :(
As you can see, the dough is thick and the filling is lesser than what we have in Singapore

Breakfast! Soya Bean Milk: RMB1.50. bao: RMB0.50

The here in China are quite different from what we have in Singapore. Besides having different flavours (I prefer the ones here!), the dough is thicker than Singapore’s and the fillings are a little lesser. However, we are definitely sure that they are not mass produced but are made with the tender, love and care of the chef.

We had our lunch at what we call “The China KFC”. Haha! Michelle and I shared a buddy meal for RMB 22 (SGD4.40)! WOW! Cheap!

The Buddy Meal that costs RMB 22 which I shared with Michelle

They provide glove so that your hands won't get greasy!
We managed to finish our practicals for PM today! What a great progress! Hope this means more free time for us since we finished it so fast!
On the way, we saw from afar some people playing with fireworks! I want to play that before we return to Singapore cos it’s banned back home! BOO HOO!

For dinner, we had a treat from the Vegetarian eatery Han Hui always ordered his food from. The boss was so kind to treat us all to a steamboat dinner! THANK YOU VEGETARIAN BOSS! THANK YOU HAN HUI! If not for your frequent patronisation, we wouldn’t have gotten this treat!

The Vegetarian Shop! :)

What a spread! The boss is sure generous!

Spicy Soup Base! NICE!

Products from The Coca-Cola Company. haha!

春卷! YUMMY!!! :D

trying hard to roll the spring roll aka 春卷

From left: The 2nd chef, the 1st chef and the boss of the Vegetarian Shop! Thank you for the meal!
From the dinner treat, I can see the warmness of the Wuhan people here. Because Han Hui frequently patronized the vegetarian stall, he made friends with the owner and were eventually friends.
Also, the breakfasts the Chinese people eat are not much different from what we have back in Singapore. Perhaps it’s because our ancestors are from China and they brought to us the delicacies in China to Singapore that we share common food.

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