Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Day 22 (05/10, Tue)

It’s Day 22! 12 more days to HOME SWEET HOME!
OIP this time round is rather short, down from 6 to 5 weeks. As much as I am enjoying myself here, I miss home too!
Anyway, we took a group photo today in front of the main building!

After classes today, the girls who were tempted by Agnes, Weilin and I decided to head to the salon for some pampering! All in all, there were 5 who succumbed to the temptation: Brenda, Eliza, Jia Li, Michelle and Yi Xian.

We wanted to head to 建设7 to shop at the night market after dinner but time did not allow us to do so. Guess we have to go tomorrow night. Heard that they have a lot of things selling at a VERY CHEAP PRICE! EXCITED!!!! CAN’T WAIT!!!
Come to think of it, PM exam is actually 3 weeks plus away from now. OH NO! TOO SOON!!!
Studying a module in 5 weeks is actually possible.
Well, my purpose in coming for this OIP trip was mainly to study 1 core module so as to lighten my work load for my last semester of studies.
Little did I know that I have actually made so many new friends along the way. This trip has definitely been a fun and tiring one at the same time.
The 4th week will pass soon and then will be our last week here. Guess I will miss this place too.

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