Saturday, October 9, 2010

Day 25 (08/10, Fri)

Yes, the local students are all back from their week long National Day school holiday. The whole school is no longer quiet and there are finally people going to classes with us!
Yup, today was PM’s practical test. I couldn’t finish my test paper! What’s worse was that I forgot to type my answer onto the word document but wrote it onto the question paper instead. BOO HOO! HOW?!!!

laptop check! question paper check! ready for practical test!

With all the tests over, we have to put all our minds into our report, presentation and the making of our group movie.

Eliza, Michelle and I had lunch at a fast food restaurant near the soup restaurant. The food was yummy but a little TOO SPICY for POOR ELIZA. She couldn’t take it after taking her first bite of her chicken wrap.

I found something interesting today! In Singapore, we are not allowed to consume food not purchased from the fast food restaurant we are dining at. However, this is not the case here. People can just buy food from the streets outside and just order anything from the fast food restaurant and they can dine in there without being chased out. HOW NICE! In this way, we can enjoy a wide variety of food at one location!
customers consuming food not bought from the fast food restaurant

We took a taxi to the flea market at 步行街 today. However, we felt that we were conned by the taxi driver. The meter jumped inconsistently every few seconds and at different amount each time. in the end, the taxi fare totaled up to a whooping RMB 42. We questioned the taxi driver and he insisted that it was due to the traffic jam. Hello uncle, it wasn’t that jammed. We compared it against the others who took a taxi too, but their fare was only RMB 30++. So, what do you think?
The flea market is like a MEGA GIGANTIC PASAR MALAM.  I bought myself 2 watches! So happy! But I forgot to take a picture of the place :(
Afraid that the scam might happen to us again, we decided to take a bus back instead. We waited 20 minutes for the bus, causing us to be a little late when we got back to the hostel.

Anyway, the bus was SUPER CROWDED. We were squeezed like pancakes! I was in such an awkward position that my legs hurt. Check out the crowd in the bus!

The taxi ride today was kind of unfortunate. However, I believe in the saying “once beaten, twice shine”. This incident shall be a lesson learnt for us. So people, be careful the next time you ride on a taxi.

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