Sunday, October 3, 2010

Day 20 (03/10, Sun)

Rise & Shine! It’s 8am! Got to be ready at 9am to get to the amusement park!
Together with Yang Tao & Shen Ping, the local students whom we have made friends with since the first week we arrived at Wuhan, we went to the amusement park together!

Front Side: this is Wuhan's version of Ez-Link card.
It functions like our Ez-Link card.

Back of the card

Upon arrival, the place was not like what I expected it to be. It wasn’t exactly an amusement park by itself, but it was actually a place called 中山乐园, a HUGE PARK that also has an amusement centre in it. Again, due to the fact that it’s still a public holiday for China, the park was also packed with lots of people.

Group E!

It was not a pay-per-entrance amusement park. Rather, it was a pay-per-ride system if your want to get on the rides there. I didn’t play all the rides that I wanted as the rides were pretty expensive. I only got onto 2 rides:

RMB 20 per ride.
This ride brings you up and drops you down.
It was nothing to me.

Getting ready for the ride!

Our Ticket Man!

RMB 20 per ride
It was thrilling and so worth the money!

We headed to a Singapore cuisine restaurant. Boy do I miss Singapore’s food!! Yang Tao & Shen Ping, you’ve chosen the perfect place for lunch today. THANK YOU!

Food Merlion: The Singapore Cuisine Restaurant
After lunch we headed back to the hostel. Didn’t want to go back too late as there’s a test tomorrow to study for!
As we had to study for our test, we decided not to have dinner outside and therefore kind Eliza and Houng Sheng helped us pack food!! THANK YOU MY LEADER & ASST LEADER! YOU’RE THE BEST!
Going to the Singapore cuisine restaurant made me think of all my favourite Singapore food back home. Kway Chap, Roti Prata, 板面, Chicken Rice all came to my mind! Anyway, that is not the point. The point is, the restaurant was packed with people although the prices of the food sold are rather expensive. A plate of chicken rice costs RMB 24. To us, it was considered expensive as we can get them at SGD3 back home, much less for the people in China.
Being able to find a restaurant that sells food found in Singapore proves our country’s popularity in China. It was not until today’s lunch that I found out that many people in China do know about Singapore and how much they think highly of our country. Many people whom we meet on the streets were very envious of us when they found out that we are from Singapore.

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