Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Day 28 (11/10, Mon)

I got up today to be welcomed by muscle aches on both of my calves all thanks to yesterday’s climb
Today’s class has been pushed back to the afternoon as our kind and understanding lecturer know that we are tired out from yesterday’s climb up the mountain.
My body alarm woke me up at 8.10am today to buy breakfast for my roomies! We finally tried the local delicacy 热干面! How we wanted to try ever since Miss Grace told us during OIE lecture about it. Even though it was just noodles with picked vegetables and sauces, it was really yummy! Come try it if you come to Wuhan!


We had dance practice today to prepare for tomorrow’s performance for the local students. NERVOUS! Hope we will do a good job tomorrow! 加油!
Our class today was conducted in a very interactive manner. We were asked by Miss Hock to build a bridge made out of papers and paper clips.
The purpose? It has something to do with our VERY LAST LECTURE on Wednesday: Team & Diversity. Being able to work well as a team is important when handling a project. That is why I think we were asked by Miss Hock to work as a team to accomplish this task.

withstanding the weight of the books!

Tomorrow’s the Farewell Night! 5 weeks is passing really really soon!

In the blink of an eye, we are already on our vey last week at Wuhan and our OIP trip will soon be over. It seemed only like a few days ago when we first arrived at Wuhan.
The last week will be all about getting our reports done, videos finished and presenting our assignment. BUSY BUSY BUSY! But with efficient group mates, WE CAN DO IT!

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