Thursday, October 7, 2010

Day 23 (06/10, Wed)

Hey ALL!
A number of us wanted to discover some new eateries during lunch time today. We didn’t find any actually, but we did make interesting discoveries!
Interesting Discovery 1:
We saw people plucking the feathers of what seemed like a chicken along the roadside. There were traces of the animal’s blood on the floor! Check it out!

Interesting Discovery 2:

We saw many little children sitting outside their parent’s shop entertaining themselves by drawing and writing. Wonder if they attend schools.
Our discovery journey eventually led us back to the 炸酱面shop which some had for lunch for the past 2 days. Oh well, discovery for new eateries FAILED! Hopefully we can find new places to eat. Got to try more things before our stay at Wuhan is over :)

This is soomething like a doughnut, with batter and a little vegetable.

similar to SATAY

Dinner @ 建设7 路

We went to 建设7today to visit the night market! I bought quite A LOT of things at a VERY CHEAP price!

However, we missed our curfew of 10pm and were all LATE. We all arrived back at the hostel at around 10.15pm; 15 minutes grace period was already given to us by Mr Chia. Eventually, all of us were fined RMB20 for not coming back on time. This is the 1st EVER FINE that I had to pay. Broke my clean record. SORRY Mr Chia for being late. I know you were worried for all of us.
We are having tomorrow’s afternoon off from classes as we are going to attend a barbecue session organised by the local students! I’m sure LOTS OF FUN & INTERACTION with them will be promised. Looking forward!
I felt really guilty when we were reprimanded by Mr Chia for being late. I gave to admit that we were not late for the first time and that he has given us chances by letting us off the previous time. sorry Mr Chia for not keeping our promise on being back on time.
Putting our irresponsible attitude aside, looking at the children who were sitting at outside their parent’s shop makesme think of how lucky Singaporean children nowadays are. These children here entertain themselves by drawing while the future of Singapore will take their parents’ iPhone and start with the games inside. See the difference? The children in Singapore are really fortunate and live a really pampered and comfortable life back home.

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