Saturday, October 16, 2010

Day 32 (15/10, Fri)

Hey All!
As mentioned yesterday, today’s the BASKETBALL MATCH between the local students and us!

The players of both sides

Players at Work

Well, it was a rather exciting match as both teams were equally skilled.
During the 1st half, we had a strong lead against our opponent. GREAT JOB GUYS!
However, we found ourselves trailing behind during the 2nd half of the match as our players were tired out. Why? We had no substitute players to give our main players a rest.
It was an exciting game as a whole.
Our 2nd highlight of the day was the FAREWELL international buffet dinner we had with the LSCT and the local student.
The farewell dinner marks our soon-to-end trip here at Wuhan. Well, I sure have mixed feelings on going home to Singapore. Going to miss the friends I have made here!

Our Dining Place

MDE with the local students! :)

Group E!!!
Well, the real outcome of the match was that we lost.
That is not because our players were not good enough, but the fact that the local students play sports almost every day. Remember my post on how we usually spend our free time in front of our laptops while the local students usually spend their free time playing sports? Playing sports every day increase their skills on the particular sport as a result.
People, we have to exercise soon!

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