Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Day 21 (04/10, Mon)

TEST DAY!!! :(

Even though the test today was scheduled at 10am, I woke up at 7.30pm to make some last minute preparation or the test as I was too tired to revise on it yesterday night.
The paper was actually manageable, except for the fact that it was SUPER TEDIOUS!!! As a result, I was unable to finish the paper :( But what’s done cannot be undone. Let’s just hope that I will not lose too many marks because of that. Well I figured out that I will make A LOT of CARELESS MISTAKES, something I always commit during tests and exams, which is why I always don’t do well:(

Getting ready for the written test..

Our Test Paper. Yickss!!!
 With written test over, PRACTICAL TEST is coming along the way at the end of this week. BOO HOO! Why is it so soon? I’m not ready for it!!!

Mrs Doris Tan so kindly bought us watermelon today. Mr Chia cut it into slices for us. THANK YOU! the shape of the watermelons here at Wuhan are smaller and oval in shape as compared to the big and round ones we get back in Singapore. In Singapore, the redder it is, the sweeter your watermelon will be. That’s not exactly the case here. Even though the watermelon was not very red, it was really sweet! One more thing I have observed is that the watermelons here have much more seeds than Singapore’s. I don’t know why, it’s just the case. Haha!

Enjoying the watermelon. It's very sweet.

In order to pamper ourselves after the miserable test in the morning, Agnes, Weilin and I went to the HAIR SALON! I received hair treatment while they rebonded their hair.
Rebonding Price (2nd best option): RMB209 ≈ SGD 40++
Their cheapest price is RMB99.WOW!!!

The Hair Treatment product
I paid RMB230 for this after discount.

Hair Iron. It looks a little different from the ones we see in Singapore
Nice Hair?? NICE :D

That’s all for the day. Got to get back on our PM project.
While doing the test, I started to doubt each and every step I did, whether if I was doing the correct way. Was I too paranoid? Should I just be confident with my answer? Well, I really don’t know. But that’s the things that will go through my mind whenever I take tests and exams: Doubting myself about something i can do with such ease during tutorial class.
What’s wrong with you Eudora?!!!

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