Saturday, October 2, 2010

Day 19 (02/10, Sat)


We went back to 步行街 to resume our shopping journey today!

Weilin and I decided to venture off together and we had a really GREAT HARVEST!!!

Let’s see, I bought:
1) 1 shirt for my brother
2) 1 sweater for my sister
3) 2 blouse
4) 2 necklaces
5) 2 cardigans
6) 2 pairs of socks,
All for about RMB 600!!!

As it is still the national day holiday in China, the shopping streets are packed with people; much like the crowd you will see when you get to Chinatown on Chinese New Year’s Eve. Therefore we were really cautious of our valuables, constantly looking out of any suspicious people who might pick our pockets.

A Very Crowded Shopping Street
Fortunately, none of these unfortunate things happened to us!

For lunch, we decided to pamper ourselves @ Pizza Hut!


Our Platter

Ice Lemon Tea!

Weilin's Chicken Mushroom Soup

My Favourite: Hawaiian Pizza!!!

We shopped till we were really broke and tired, but it sure was a FRUITFUL DAY!


I will never get to shop like this in Singapore as things back home are really expensive and of course, we can’t bargain back home!

As we walked through the streets today, we noticed a lot of sales going on. This was the retail store way to celebrate their country’s independence and also a strategic way to attract customers.

Well, this is actually a very universal method retail stores all over the world use. A similar situation happens in Singapore during the National Day month too. We have sales going on literally everywhere.

See the 2 girls standing outside their shop?
They are using a loud hailer to promote their shop.
Almost every shops along the street use this technique to draw customers

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