Thursday, September 30, 2010

Day 16 (29/09, Wed)

Finally! Visiting Coca-Cola factory! I have been really excited about this excursion!
So yes, as I was saying, we visited the Coca-Cola factory at 湖北 province today.
Group E :)

Besides the common drinks we see sold in Singapore, Coca-Cola factory produces more than 1600 kinds of beverages. From this trip, I come to know that we are missing out on a lot of beverages The Coca Cola Company offers! Beverages such as the Fanta range and Lemon flavoured Coca Cola are just some of the many many beverages that Singapore do not have. BOO HOO!
Oh well, at least my wish came true today. WE ALL HAD A FREE BOTTLE OF COCA-COLA TO TASTE!!!

Through this excursion of ours, we were told many facts about The Coca-Cola Company we never knew. Take for example that Coca-Cola was invented in 1887, did you even know that?
Check out the production line below:

Step 1: the bottles are sterilised and washed with water

Step 2: the bottles are filled with the correct beverage

Step 3: After filling, the bottles are capped

Step 4: the bottles are removed of any water droplets found on them

Step 5: the bottles are ready for packaging
After our little excursion, we headed back to school for our 1st ever OIE presentation. We were supposed to come up with 3 differences and 1 similarity we have observed between China and Singapore since we have set foot on beautiful Wuhan. Through every group’s presentation, I knew more about other differences and similarities between China and Singapore that I have not discovered.
While looking at the process of how the beverages were manufactured at the factory, I notice that the workers are always on the ball in reassuring the high quality control of the whole production line. Whenever an empty bottle gets jammed along the production line, the workers never fail to solve the problem almost instantaneously. I have to admit that I doubted China’s ability in their quality control skills prior to this excursion. However, I was proven wrong by their excellent display of work. GOOD JOB GUYS! THANK YOU FOR PRODUCING THE TASTY COCA COLA WE DRINK EVERYTIME!

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