Friday, September 17, 2010

Day 4 (16/09, Fri)

Yup, it's my mum's birthday but I'm not in Singapore to celebrate with my family.
Well, at least we got to webcam with each other and I sang her a birthday song :D

Hey my lovely blog, it’s your OWNER again!
We had our VERY 1ST IS class today!!
Our very 1st IS class!

It was all about Making an Investment in China. The local lecturer gave us an insight on China’s culture, how they have accomplished the mean feat into becoming the 4th largest economy in the world today.
The full name of this country with a population of 1.2 billion people is the People’s Republic of China. An interesting fact she told us today was the difference between mainland China and the People’s Republic of China. Mainland China refers to the main island of China while the People’s Republic of China refers to the main island, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan.
We learnt how to create a Network Diagram for Project Management (PM) class today. It somehow reminds me of QLA module I’ve learnt in Year 1.
After class today, we had a badminton session with the local students. We saw Yang Tao again, one of the students who brought us to the shopping mall and Wal-Mart yesterday. Mr Chia joined us too! Check out the photos below:

Badminton Session with the local students. Mr Chia joined us too!

 Dinner was at a Halal stall behind the campus. The food portion was so huge and all of us couldn’t finish up our food. But it was delicious nevertheless.
Dinner! YUM YUM! I think a plate of rice can actually be shared among 2 to 3 of us.

I bought my roomies and I yoghurt for dessert today! YUM YUM!
Dessert Time!
Roomie Eliza and I enjoying our tasty yoghurt :D

That was how our wonderful day ended! Shall fill you in with more interesting things tomorrow!
Every day after school hours, local students will make use of their spare time to play sports with one another. Indeed, this is a very effective way to bond and get to know each other much better. Back in Singapore, we would always use our spare time to go online to chat on MSN or log on to Facebook to catch up with what our friends are up to lately. Hence, there is very little interaction with friends face to face. I personally prefer meeting up and catching up with my friends about their latest happenings than relying on our gadgets to assist us in doing so. Bonding is missing in the latter example.
Well, what do you think about it?


  1. Hi Endora,
    Interesting account.
    I like the way you highlighted key phrases in your blog with a different colour. It draws readers to the things that you want to emphasize. I agree. Bonding through Face to face meeting is definitely more effective than through MSN or Facebook. Take care. Best regards, Lim Choon Boo
