Sunday, September 19, 2010

Day 6 (18/09, Sun)

It's SUNDAY today!

Every Sunday is the Lord's Day where my family and I will go to the church building to worship God ever since I was really really young. However, being here at Wuhan, I am unable to attend church services :(

Rise & Shine was at 6.30am today as we had to assemble at 7.15am in the morning for the city tour. Today's weather was really really HOT! All our shirts were soaking wet throughout the day. GROSS!!!

Well, today’s outing was full of COINCIDENCE. Look out for them as you read along J

1st Stop: 东湖East Lake

East Lake Entrance
Group E Group Photo 1 :D

Group E Group Photo 2 with Ms Hock & Mr Chia

East Lake is China’s largest lake city, making it one of the tourists’ attractions in Wuhan. Honestly speaking, I’m not a fan of such places of attraction, I prefer museums, which is our very next stop!

2nd Stop: 湖北省博物馆Hubei Provincial Museum

We visited the finding of the tomb of a noble man named Marquis Yi of Zeng.
Looking at the exhibitions, it’s unbelievable how the ancient people of China managed to stuff so many things into one’s coffin.

Hubei Provincial Museum Entrance
Group E Group Photo 3
Girl Power!!!
MDE OIP Group Photo

3rd Stop: Lunch @ 凤凰楼酒店Feng Huang Lou Jiu Dian


Our lunch was at 凤凰楼酒店 and coincidentally there was a couple holding their wedding lunch at the 1st floor of the restaurant! CONGRATULATIONS!

Anyway, our lunch was SCRUMPTIOUS and we cleared every single dish served to us.
Lunch Buddies
Our Yummy Lunch :)

An interesting finding I have discovered is that the people in China are fond of using toothpicks to remove any food stuck in between their teeth after having a meal. While the people in Singapore also follow suit, it is not a common sight back home as in China. Good job for taking such good care on your oral hygiene!

4th Stop: 黄鹤楼Yellow Crane Tower

Legend has it that this tower was built to commemorate the Taoist prince who helped a certain young lady boost her wine shop business after he painted a painting of a crane at her shop when he did not know what he can repay her for offering him wines to drink.

the Yellow Crane Tower

This crane tower however, was rebuilt several times due to the after effects of natural disasters as the people take pride in this tower.

One of the model of the tower that was rebuilt. This was built in the Qing Dynasty in 1868.

5th Stop: 步行街 Bu Xing Jie

The local students brought us here to shop yesterday! How coincidental! Since we came here yesterday, we were so tired, sticky and sweaty from the whole day’s trip that we decided not to shop and went to a fast food restaurant named “Dico’s” to have a rest.

Our Resting Stop at 步行街

Last Stop: Back to the Hostel!

AT LAST, back at the hostel to freshen up ourselves! The day was super tiring and I’m glad we finally made it home to rest.

Stay tuned for more exciting updates as we spend some time with the local students tomorrow! J


The museum visit was mainly about the finding of artefacts from the tomb a noble man named Marquis Yi of Zeng. The ancient people of China believed that the soul continues to live after someone dies. This is also a common belief even in Christianity. However, what is amazing is how the ancient people of China put so much care and attention on someone’s afterlife; burying apart from treasures, so many articles for daily use with the deceased in hope that the soul will continue to live a comfortable life after death.

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