Monday, September 27, 2010

Day 14 (27/09, Mon)

Yup! It’s our dear friend's birthday today, and he’s the same age as me!
It was a mundane day today: going to classes, sending our clothes to the laundry and nothing else.
Morning’s OIE class was all about Chinese Philosophy. Ms Grace introduced to us famous quotes by some famous Chinese philosophers like 孔子 and 孟子. Though these quotes were supposed to be famous, I am embarrassed to say that I find none of them familiar. An interesting thing Ms Grace told us was that when she was young, all of them were supposed to study all these Chinese Philosophies as part of their curriculum. IMPRESSIVE! I think I would have fainted from all these studying.
However, the day didn’t end off so boring after all!
We celebrated Zhen Zhao’s birthday at the Greenery Café beside the supermarket that is behind the campus.
the Greenery Cafe

All of us arrived promptly at 5.30pm in waiting for the arrival if the birthday boy.
Fooling around before the birthday boy arrived
Finally at around 6 plus, the birthday boy arrived!

the Birthday Boy arrived!
Cutting his creamy birthday cake
A closer look at the cake :)

Michelle and I shared a Lovers’ Meal together. It was highly recommended by those who went the previous time. Indeed it was really yummy! We ate till our tummies were bloated. How full! Check out the wonderful meal below:
Appetiser: Salad
Beef Steak, YUM YUM!
Fried Fish Fillet with Rice
Mushroom Soup

Bacon Cream Soup

Group E with the birthday boy

Present Presentation Time!
Agnes, YiXian and Joanna took their precious time off in search of the perfect presents or Diyanah whose birthday passed last week and also for Zhen Zhao. I really like their presents! How I wish I could have it for myself.

That was how the day ended: with a blast!
Thinking back at what Ms Grace said where elementary school students are taught the Chinese Philosophies about the way of life, one can see that the people of China emphasise a lot on bringing up a child well from young. This is something very commendable as it is not common in Singapore that we are taught such philosophies from young. I feel that Singaporean children seem very spoilt as modern parents fail to instill the right principles in their children from young.
Therefore, I feel that this is a very good way in bringing a child up well: by teaching them the correct principles from young.

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