Friday, September 17, 2010

Day 3 (16/09, Thurs)

Hey People! It's Day 3 @ Wuhan!

The weather has been really warm with temperature soaring as high as 36 degree celcius in the day!

That's even hotter than Singapore's current weather.

Well, hopefully the weather will turn for the better as times goes by.

Putting the weather aside, Mr Chia kick start our very first lecture of Project Management at 9am today. We got to know about him a little better after the lecture like finding out that he didn't went to JC but went to SP to study Mechanical Engineering and went on to pursue his degree at the University of Glasgow. Prior to that, I thought that the only way to succeed in Singapore was to get into a local university and ultimately obtain at least a degree rom there. However, Mr Chia proved otherwise by becoming a successful lecturer without a certificate from our local universities.

1st Official Lecture: Project Management

After our lecture, we proceeded to one of the canteens in campus for lunch!

Unlike in Ngee Ann where the popular lunch hour is at 12pm, the busiest lunch hour here is at 11am. Our lunch time was at 12pm. By the time we reached the canteen, most of the food were sold out and many stalls were closed as such. Also, unlike in school where every stalls serve their food with their own utensils for easy identification, here, all stalls serve heir food with the same metal bowls, wooden chopsticks and metal spoons. Indeed, our cultures are very different from each other.

My Lunch: 杂浆
The Lunch Crowd today!

We went to the back alley after luch since we had time to spare.
The local students call the street 堕落街, which literally means dilapidated street. According to them, the street thought to be dirty and unhygenic. Well, judge it yourself! :

The Back Alley: 堕落街

Milk Tea brought from 堕落街! The shop looks like bubble tea shops in Singapore. YUM YUM!


Our afternoon lecture was taught by Ms Alicia Hock. There, we got our very first assignment :( BOO! Oh well, we have to do it anyway!
She went on to tell us the Do's and Don'ts while in China. For example, we must never address the females here 小姐 as this term only applies to females who work in night clubs and it's very impolite to do so. They will not answer you if you call them that!

We headed to buy our local SIM cards. YES! We can now call each other freely!

local pre-paid SIM card!

The local students brought us to the town area similar to our Orchard Road to SHOP! Yes, EVERY GIRLS' HOBBY! :) Of course we were really excited about it. We took bus 702 to get there. While we have to use the EZ-link card when taking the public transport in Sinagpore, fares are paid by cash here. Our bus ride was RMB$2, cheap isn't it? Unfortunately, as we were not acustomed to pay cash one by one, the bus driver scolded us for boarding the bus so slowly :(

bus 702. the bus looks so nice :)

the slot where we paid our bus fares into

The Shopping Centre: 销品茂 (Xiao Pin Mao)
sounds like a literal translation for shopping centre. haha!

We headed to Wal-Mart to buy more daily nessesities!
Here is a potato chip brand never seen in Singapore.
可比克 potato chip endorsed by Jay Chou. Now that's something you never see in Singapore!
shopping @ Wal-Mart!

Unfortunately, due to the high prices and different fashion taste, we did not manage to buy anything from there. Therefore, we decided to chill out at Starbucks! Things sold are cheaper than Singapore's by S$1 to S$2. WOW!!!

And that was how our day ended. Looking forward to IS class tomorrow! The local lecturers will be teaching us! :)

I really see the diference between Singapore and China's way of life and I realise how fortunate we are in Singapore as compared to our counterparts in China. Thinking back about 堕落街, it is something you can never see in Singapore. Everything in SIngapore is so clean. Perhaps because of that, the lecturers strongly encouraged us not to comsume food from there being afraid that we might have food poisoning. Do we conclude that we are so pampered in Singapore that we cannot even take in the food served here or do we say that Singapore is so much more advanced as compared to China that you will never see such scenes back home? That is really somethig we must reflect on ourselves. 

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