Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Day 2 (15/09, Wed)

Yes, it's our 2nd day here at WUST!

The day started rather late at 10am as all of us reached the campus' hostel in the wee hours last night.

Our very first breakfast was from McDonald's!

We had Fillet-O-Fish, Cup Corn & Coke (not exactly an ideal drink for breakfast though, haha!)

Mr Chia had them delivered to his room and my dear roommate Eliza collected it for us! THANK YOU!

Our breakfast: Mc'Donald's!
We had a campus tour at WUST today!!
We familiarised ourselves with the surrounding by visiting the teaching block we were going to study at as of tomorrow.

The OEC: Overseas Education Centre. This is the staff room for our lecturers

Our Classroom

Classroom 604 :)

Group E!!! (ok, picture too small :) )

I heard from our senior who was here at the 1st OIP that there were 3 canteens. We were shown 2 though.

One of it is located very near our hostel and is deemed by the local students as the canteen which serves nice food. Makes me think of Makan Place back at NP!

The canteen which serves nice food!

After our tour, a few local students brought us to the supermarket for us to buy some daily necessities. How nice of them. They were late for their classes subsequently as a result.

The rest of the day was basically Free & Easy. I took this precious time to download the VPN which I didn't know that we were supposed to! Fortunately, the downloading went on smoothly and I can blog and log on to Facebook!

During Free & Easy. We went to a  store beside the hostel, much like our school's NP Co-Op. They sell alcohol!

At 8pm, the girls has a dance practice for the group performance on 27th Sep. I seriously DO NOT have DANCE GENES. I was stiff, couldn't get the steps right nor remember the steps.
I really need a lot of practice for that!

Oh well, that's how the day ended. Till then! :)

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