Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Day 7 (20/09, Mon)


We were introduced to the Chinese politics for OIE class today. There, we know that China gained independence on 1st Oct 1949. Unlike how we address the President in Singapore as 总统 (zong3 tong3), here in China, the citizens address the head of state as 主席 (zhu3 xi2). The reason being the term总统 is considered a Westernised term as compared to主席.

Our lunch was yet another yummy experience. We went to a soup shop and bought ourselves soup and rice. I had Winter Melon with Pork Ribs soup. It was delicious but I MISS MUM’S COOKING! L
Winter Melon Pork Ribs Soup
WUST has another campus in the rural part of Wuhan which is approximately an hour and a half ride away from where we are; and we had a chance to visit the new campus today! It was amazingly more than four times the size of WUST original campus and easily 6 to 7 times the size of NP.

WUST new campus

Our 1st stop was to the School of Medicine to look at specimens of the human body which the medical students used in their studies. As much as it was amazing to look at how our body actually look like inside, it was equally disgusting too.
Group Photo with the LSCT students
the specimen laboratory
Specimen. They are real!!!
We were warmly greeted by the staffs and students of WUST new campus. Before heading to the new campus, the lecturers told us that we were supposed to give a brief presentation to the students there and advised us to use Mandarin to present as their English ability was not strong. The interesting thing was that when we arrived, they conversed with us in English. After their presentation, one of the students went forward and asked us this question: 你们会说汉文吗?, which is literally translated as:”Do all of you know how to speak Mandarin?” When we all say “YES” with unison, all of them breathed a HUGE SIGH OF RELIEF and CHEERED LOUDLY as that meant that they need not speak with us using their limited command of English. We were so shocked with their reaction.
the students welcoming us WARMLY
China Student's Presentation
Our Presentation
Our Class' Performance
A gift from the school: MOONCAKE!
Later on, they brought us to their canteen and I was amazed to see that it was a 3 storey high building with an escalator inside. What a huge canteen!
The 3-story Canteen
To round up the day, we had a surprise birthday celebrated for Diyanah! She was really surprised when all of us went up to her room to sing her a birthday song.

Happy Birthday Diyanah!
That’s all for today people! Good night!
When I saw the the new campus of WUST, I was wondering to myself: why would the campus in the rural area better facilitated and much bigger than the one here at the city area? Then it came to my mind that the land value and production costs of constructing a building in the city area is much higher than in the rural area. Maybe that is the reason why the campus over here is not as well facilitated and big as compared to the new campus.

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