Sunday, September 19, 2010

Day 5 (18/09, Sat)

Dear Beloved Diary,
It is the 1ST WEEKEND of our stay at Wuhan!
We celebrated it by going SHOPPING!
the Shopping Centre

I had many interesting discoveries throughout the day. Check them out!
Unlike Singapore, drivers in China drive on the left instead of the right side. As a result, traffic travels in the opposite manner as Singapore's. So people, look out for the traffic when you come to China in the future!
Also, public buses do not have door bells for you to press in order to let the bus driver know that you wish to alight at the next stop. Instead, the buses stop at every single bus stop on its route.
One observation I have made that is very commendable is that buses in China announces the next bus stop that the bus is going to approach, much like how our MRT system back home works. This benefits tourists like us to know which bus stop to alight at even if we do not recognise the place. Maybe Singapore should implement this on the buses too!
Unlike Singapore which has recently implemented a pay-by-distance fare system, public buses in China charge a flat rate when passengers board the bus.

Buses that run on electicity!

This is something we don't see in Singapore. This public bus runs by electricity that is linked from the cables above all the way to the bus instead of diesel.

Heavily dressed female to help promote the shop's services

Another thing you will never see in Singapore but is a common sight in the shopping centre. These shops that provide photography services dress up a female and have them sit in front of the shop to promote their services.


what a spread. YUM YUM!

We finally had a nice and proper lunch in China! We ate at a Korean BBQ Restaurant @ RMB 48 per person. How affordable! If we were to eat at a similar restaurant in Singapore, it would have easily cost us SGD39.90 and above. We sure ate to our stomach’s content! YUM YUM!
W e went sightseeing at 汉口江滩. It is actually a famous river called 长江. Check out the photos taken!


Group E!!

We took a ferry ride to proceed to our dinner venue. Some of the girls had motion sickness and were feeling a little unwell during the 10 minutes ferry ride.
the ferry terminal where we boarded the ferry
a crowded ferry. our feet were so sore from all the shopping but we could not find a seat to rest.

汤包 aka 小笼包

We had 汤包!it is actually what we commonly known as小笼包, except for the fact that汤包 comes in a variety of flavours.
While at汉口江滩, we were approached by at least 3 beggars to ask us to donate some money to them. When we ignored them indicating that we were not keen to give them any money, there were so persistent that they followed us around.
Even though they might be pitiful, but begging for money should not be the thing to do do in order to survive. Perhaps they can pick up dome new skills and take up a job to make a living.
Well, what do you think?

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