Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Day 8 (21/09, Tue)

Today’s  OIE class was all about knowing the statistical information of China, namely the geographical location, area, neighbouring countries around its border, its regional divisions, administrative units and so on.
China is the 3rd largest country in the world after Canada and Russia and due to its vast land, it has 14 neighbouring countries. It is also divided into 23 provinces and Wuhan is in Hubei, one of the 3 central provinces in China.
During class, the lecturer Miss Grace gave us an exercise to do: matching the places in China onto its map. Unfortunately, my group did not get any answer right as China is simply too big and divided into so many provinces.
the exercise which my group could not get any answer right. BOO HOO!
After classes ended today, almost the whole class wanted to go running. I did not join them as I hated running more than anything. In the end, I had one-to-one dance practice lessons from Agnes for our girls’ performance scheduled on the last week of our stay at Wuhan as I was really bad at dancing and needed extra help and coaching from her. THANKS AGNES! I APPRECIATE THAT! J
After today, we had lunch at an eatery located at the back of our hostel for 3 consecutive meals: yesterday’s dinner, today’s lunch and today’s dinner. All of us who visited that eatery all love its Fried Egg with Tomato. YUM YUM! Each meal costs less than SGD2 every time we dine there. The best record was a 3 dishes meal for 4 that cost RMB26. CHEAP RIGHT?! Check out the place and menu below!
柠蒙乐餐厅, the YUMMY-LICIOUS eatery!
Menu Page 1
Menu Page 2
Our Dinner :)
Another interesting thing that I have found out about Wuhan is that the day starts earlier and ends earlier as a result. In Singapore, the sun starts to set close to 7pm. Over here at Wuhan, the sky is almost dark by 6.45pm. Below is a picture of the sky at 6.45pm tonight.
武汉 @ 6.45pm. Dark right?

All right, that’s all for today. I must get ready for PM day tomorrow. Tomorrow’s a full day of attending PM class.
Additionally, tomorrow till Friday is China’s Mid-Autumn Festival public holiday, which WE ARE THE ONLY ONES WHO HAVE CLASSES. BOO HOO! L

Even though every meal we had at the eatery was very cheap as compared to Singapore, to the Chinese in China, it is not considered cheap to them. This is probably due to the difference in the standard of living between both countries. To add on to that, due to the huge population in China, salaries of an employee of similar post in China is much lower as compared to his counterpart in Singapore. Maybe that is one of the reasons why there are more and more China expatriates in Singapore over the years: to earn more money so as to provide their family back home in China a comfortable life.

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